Archive for the ‘17th century’ Category

Pierre Louis van SCHUPPEN – Louis XIV, roi de France, 1664

Pierre Louis van SCHUPPEN
1627 Anvers + 1702 Paris
Louis XIV, roi de France, 1664

Engraving after Le Brun
400 x 324
450 €

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Jan van de VELDE II – Het huis te kleef, 1616

Jan van de VELDE II
1593 Delft (?) + 1641 Enhuizen
Het huis te kleef, 1616

135 x 200
230 €

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Mathieu PLATTEMONTAGNE – The vessel entering the port

ca 1608 Anvers + 1660 Paris
The vessel entering the port

187 x 313
450 €

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Mariette editor in Paris – La Fontaine de la pyramide à Versailles

Mariette editor at Paris
End of XVIIe century
La Fontaine de la Piramide à Versailles

201 x 291
180 €

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Stefano della BELLA – Madonna and Child with saint John the Baptist

Stefano della BELLA
1610 Florence + 1664 Florence
Madonna and Child with saint John the Baptist

139 [186] x 128 [267]
650 €

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Attributed to Gabriel PERELLE – Vue de l’observatoire du côté qui regarde la campagne, ca 1670

Attribué à Gabriel PERELLE
1604 Vernon + 1677 Paris
Vue de l'observatoire du côté qui regarde la campagne, ca 1670

190 x 280
250 €

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Jean MAROT – The Te Deum sung in Nostre Dame

1619 Paris + 1678
The Te Deum sung in Nostre Dame

276 x 396
180 €

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Abraham BOSSE – The Ball, ca 1634

Abraham BOSSE
ca 1604 Tours + 1676 Paris
The Ball, ca 1634

Etching and engraving
268 x 347
1 000 €

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Italian school of XVII century – (actors playing comedy at the theater), ca 1650

Italian school of XVII century

(actors playing comedy at the theater), ca 1650

ca 40 x ca 44
500 €

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Gabriel PERELLE (?) – Veüe et perspective de la Place Louis le Grand, ca 1660

Gabriel PERELLE (?)
1604 Vernon + 1677 Paris
Veüe et perspective de la Place Louis le Grand, ca 1660

Eau-forte originale
231 x 327
150 €

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Pieter von LAER – The Family

Pieter von LAER
1599 Haarlem + 1642 Haarlem
The Family

87 x 77
450 €

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Mathieu PLATTEMONTAGNE – Soldats débarquant dans un port, ca 1645

ca 1608 Anvers + 1660 Paris
Soldats débarquant dans un port, ca 1645

Etching and engraving
188 x 320
350 €

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Jean GANIERE – Allegory – a shild sleeping

ca 1615 Lyon ? + 1666 Paris
Allegory - a shild sleeping

Engraving, after A. Gentileschi
137 x 215
650 €

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Harmentz van Rijn REMBRANDT – Selfportrait au bonnet de velours à la plume, 1638

no images were found

Harmentz van Rijn REMBRANDT
1606 Leyde + 1669 Amsterdam
Autoportrait au bonnet de velours à la plume, 1638

Eau-forte originale
134 x 104

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Claude GELLEE said Le Lorrain – Les quatre chèvres, ca 1630-1633

Claude GELLEE dit Le Lorrain
1600 Chamagne + 1682 Rome
Les quatre chèvres, ca 1630-1633

195 x 131
1 500 €

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Albert FLAMEN – Diverses espèces de poissons d’eau douce

Actif à Paris + ca 1669 Paris
Diverses espèces de poissons d'eau douce

ca 105 x ca 176
450 €

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Battista PITTONI (Battista Vicentino) – “Imprese…diversi prencipi et d’altri personaggi illustri…” 1578

Battista PITTONI (Battista Vicentino)
15?? Vicence + active in Venice since 1560 to 1580
"Imprese...diversi prencipi et d'altri personaggi illustri..." 1578

204 x 162
P. S. D.

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Salvator ROSA – Glaucus and Scylla

Salvator ROSA
1615 Naples + 1673 Rome
Glaucus and Scylla

346 x 236
1 000 €

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Jacob JORDAENS – Hercule and Cacus, 1652

1593 Anvers + 1678 Anvers
Hercule and Cacus, 1652

225 x 318
650 €

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François COLLIGNON – The Four Seasons, ca 1645

Worked in Lorraine, France and Italy during XVIIe century
The Four Seasons, ca 1645

92 x 270
750 €

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Abraham BOSSE – La galerie du Palais, ca 1638

Abraham BOSSE
1601 Tours + 1674 Paris
La galerie du palais, ca 1638

250 x 319
2 500 €

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Charles LE BRUN – The Night

Charles LE BRUN
1619 Paris + 1690 Paris
La Nuit

185 x 239
650 €

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Matthaüs MERIAN – The months of the year

Matthaüs MERIAN
1593 Bâle + 1650 Bad Schwalbach
The months of the year

ca 135 x ca 171
1 500 €

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Hieronymus WIERIX – Catherine-Henriette de Baljac d’Entraigues, marquise de Verneuil, 1600

Hieronymus WIERIX
1553 Anvers + 1619 Anvers
Catherine-Henriette de Baljac d'Entraigues, marquise de Verneuil

353 x 252
450 €

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French school of XVIIth century – (A Holy bishop praying)

French school of XVIIth century

(A Holy bishop praying)

197 x 237
750 €

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Jean I° LEBLOND publisher in Paris – The Four Times of the day, ca 1650

Jean I° LEBLOND publisher in Paris
1590/94 Paris + 1666 Paris
The Four Times of the day, ca 1650

Etching after Teniers
170 x 250
600 €

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Jean MORIN – Nicolas de Neuville, Marquis de Villeroy

ca 1605 + 1650 Paris
Nicolas de Neuville, Marquis de Villeroy

Etching and engraving after de Champaigne
311 x 249
350 €

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Jacques CALLOT – La tentation de Saint Antoine

Jacques CALLOT
1592 Nancy + 1635
La tentation de Saint Antoine

355 x 467

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Sébastien BARRAS – Marine – Combat d’un vaisseau contre une galère.

Sébastien BARRAS
ca 1665 Aix + ?
Combat d'un vaisseau contre une galère.

mezzotint after Plattemontagne (?).
190 [248] x 218 [280]
300 €

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Claude VIGNON – Jesus Christ is healing a paralythic and a curved woman

ca 1590 Tours + 1670 Paris
Jesus Christ is healing a paralythic and a curved woman

222 x 152
500 €

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France – L’horloge de la grande église de Saint Jean à Lyon

fin XVIIe or beginning XVIIIe siècle
L'horloge de la grande église de Saint Jean à Lyon

300 [327] x 483 [630]
280 €

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Daniel RABEL – Suite de cartouches, 1632

Daniel RABEL
ca 1578 Paris + 1637
Set of (cartouches), 1632

166 / 170 x 122 / 124
750 €

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Laurent de LA HYRE – A man near a pond, 1640

Laurent de LA HYRE
1606 Paris + 1656
A man near a pond, 1640

100 x 159
650 €

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Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE – Circé et les compagnons d’Ulysse changés en animaux, ca 1650-1651

Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE
1609 Gênes + 1664
Circé et les compagnons d'Ulysse changés en animaux, ca 1650-1651

215 x 306

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Anonymus XVIIth century – The Holy Family with St John the Baptist, ca 1650-1660

Anonymus XVIIth century

The Holy Family with St John the Baptist, ca 1650-1660

77 [127] x 95 [125]
280 €

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Jonas SUYDERHOEF – Paysans sous un auvent à droite d’une auberge

ca 1613 Haarlem + 1686 Haarlem
Paysans sous un auvent à droite d'une auberge.

Engraving after A. Van Ostade
399 x 349
450 €

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French school, XVIIe century – (A holy Bishop praying)

French school
XVII century
(A holy Bishop praying)

192 x 237
750 €

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Adriaen Van OSTADE – The dance under the trellis, ca 1652

Adriaen Van OSTADE
1610 Haarlem - 1685 Haarlem
The dance under the trellis, ca 1652

126 x 172
1000 €

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Samuel BERNARD – Le retour de Gonnesse

1615 Paris - 1687 Paris
Le retour de Gonnesse

Etching and engraving after Testelin (?)
318 x 428
500 €

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Jean MORIN – Jacques Tuboeuf, intendant des finances

ca 1605 + 1650 Paris
Jacques Tuboeuf, intendant des finances.

Etching and engraving
297 x 238
750 €

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Italian school – (Dog with profile turned to the left)

Italian school
End of XVIth century or beginning of XVIIth century
(Dog with profile turned to the left)

149 x 200
400 €

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Robert NANTEUIL – Louis Hesselin, 1660

1623 Reims + 1678 Paris
Louis Hesselin, 1660

325 x 252
300 €

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Cornelis van DALEN II – Portrait of a man, presumed to be Giorgione

Cornelis van DALEN II
1638 Amsterdam + 1664 Amsterdam
Portrait of a man, presumed to be Giorgione

Engraving and drypoint after L. Lotto
410 x 292
1 000 €

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Stefano Della BELLA – Death carrying on his back a child

Stefano Della BELLA
1610 Florence + 1664 Florence
Death carrying on his back a child

184 x 147
650 €

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Claude GELLÉE dit le Lorrain – Le Bouvier, 1636

Claude GELLEE dit le Lorrain
ca 1600 Chamagne + 1682 Rome
Le Bouvier, 1636

Original etching
131 x 199

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Jean LEPAUTRE – Profil vase on the left

1618 Paris + 1682 Paris
Profil vase on the left

Original etching
280 x 222
350 €

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Sébastien VOUILLEMONT – Lucrèce, 1638

ca 1610 Bar sur Aube + ca 1660
Lucrèce, 1638

Burin d'après G. Reni
272 x 191
850 €

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Mathieu PLATTEMONTAGNE – Les Patineurs

ca 1608 Anvers + 1660 Paris
Les Patineurs

Eau-forte originale
147 x 144
750 €

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Pierre BREBIETTE – Allégorie de la Peinture, ca 1630

1598 ? Mandres ? + 1642
Allégorie de la Peinture, ca 1630

74 x 335
850 €

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Willem PANNEELS – Cursus Mundi, ca 1632

ca 1600 + actif après 1632
Cursus Mundi, ca 1632

Eau-forte et burin d'après Rubens
244 x 174
1 000 €

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Henri MAUPERCHE – Saint Jean prêchant dans le désert

ca 1602 Paris ? + 1686 Paris
Saint Jean prêchant dans le désert

Original etching
193 x 263

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Antoine COYPEL – Démocrite, 1692

Antoine COYPEL
1661 Paris + 1722 Paris
Démocrite, 1692

Eau-forte originale
225 x 169
400 €

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Jacques CALLOT – Saint Amond

Jacques CALLOT
1592 Nancy + 1635 Nancy
Saint Amond

Eau-forte originale et burin
204 x 281
850 €

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Claude MELLAN – La Parenté de la Vierge

1598 Abbeville + 1688 Paris
La Parenté de la Vierge, 1648

430 x 315

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Pierre MIGNARD – Sainte Scholastique

1612 Troyes + 1695 Paris
Sainte Scholastique

370 x 236
750 €

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REMBRANDT Harmensz van RIJN – Jan Uytenbogaert’s portrait

1606 Leyde + 1669 Amsterdam
Jan Uytenbogaert's portrait

Etching and engraving
224 x 186

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Anthonie WATERLOO – Suite of large landscapes in height

ca 1610 Lille + 1690 Utrecht
Suite of large landscapes in height

Etching, dry point and engraving
292 x ca 235
Price on request

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Jean MORIN – Louis XIII, roi de France

ca 1605 Paris + 1650 Paris
Louis XIII, roi de France

Etching and engraving after Ph. de Champaigne
295 x 238
850 €

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